Northanger Abbey

Last night was the second night of the Jane Austen-athon on PBS, and the feature was Northanger Abbey.

I recently reread Northanger Abbey, for the RIP II reading challenge, and was reminded that it’s one of my less favorite Austen books. Apparently, I’m not the only one to think this, as I’m told this was the first production of Northanger Abbey ever done.

It was a cute, light little movie. They did deviate from the story just a bit, I think to pump up the gothic details a smidge. Northanger Abbey was every bit was spooky as it should be, and Mr. Thorpe was every bit as annoying as he should be. I still can’t decide if I actually liked Mr. Tilney, but I thought the girl playing Catherine did an excellent job. I’d watch it again, but it’s still not my favorite Austen story.