CSA 2011, Week 19

CSA Haul

This week’s haul was: green beans, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrots, melon, garlic, Italian skillet pepper, and an eggplant.

Cooking highlights from last week were: two from my favorite Melissa Clark cookbook – the Raw Tuscan Kale Salad with Chiles and Pecorino, which I turned into a pasta dish, on the advice of a couple blog posts I happened across, and the Spiced Chipotle Honey Chicken Breasts with Sweet Potatoes. That turned into the perfect fall meal in combination with an apple crisp featuring three of the different varieties I’d gotten from the CSA.

Speaking of apples, my favorites from the last batch were the Chestnuts. They’re just sweet enough, and since they’re crabs, two was the perfect size to end my lunch. If I ever get an apple tree, I want one of those.