Beach Pea

Beach Pea

Lathyrus japonicus

Other names: Sea Pea, Circumpolar Pea, Sea Vetchling

Family: Fabaceae

Range: Native to temperate coastal areas of Asia, Europe, and North and South America.

Native: Native

Native Habitat: Sand and gravel beaches

Bloom Time: June to August


The flowers are purple, and turn bluer as they age.

The native range for this plant is so wide because seeds will remain viable while floating in sea water for up to five years.    It can be found on fresh water shores – it’s on the Great Lakes, and Lake Champlain.

The pods and peas are edible, though I’ve run across several warnings to only eat them in small amounts.

Locations in Photos

  • Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, ME
  • Fort Foster, Kittery, ME
beach pea on the stone beach at Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizanbeth, ME
Beach pea on the pebble beach, Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, ME

3/12/23 Updated to current WordPress format.