I am liking this series so much more than the Shiver books, which was my original intro to this author. In fact, I’d say that Shiver is probably not like the rest of her work, because I’ve liked everything else I’ve read of hers so much more than that book would have lead me to believe I could.
In the last book, we found out that Ronan Lynch could bring things out of his dreams – this book explores that really means. There’s side action to further the plot to find Owen Glendower, but this book is really all about Ronan. And Ronan is really screwed up. I think that’s what I’m liking so much about this series – it’s YA, but it’s not a perfect little romance between some girl and some supernatural creature. Instead, there’s a cast of really complicated, and flawed characters. This book introduced a hit man named Mister Gray, who I really hopes stays on, because his presence is definitely keeping the interesting characters coming.
And that’s all I’ll say about that. Half the fun of this series is seeing what’s going to happen next, because I really don’t know.