Garden Notes

I’m going to start this post out with a shout out to my new car, because I could never have accomplished the above in one trip in the Little Old Man.    That’s five bags of mulch, two bags of potting soil, and a new trash can to hold my compost deliveries through the winter.

I distinctly remember putting three bags of mulch in the LOM and having a moment of doubt as to whether or not he’d make it up the Brighton Ave hill on the way home.    As you can see, I could easily have grabbed more than that today.    It’s the little things about this new car that keep making me happy.

The potting soil is to start repotting the house plants to start bringing them back in from the back yard.    We don’t seem to be in any danger of a frost any time soon, but I figure if I start now, I shouldn’t have to hurry if a frost suddenly looms.    So far, I have the snake plant, Grammie begonia and wild oregano ready to come back in once they’ve drained off a little bit from the thorough shower I gave them after I repotted them.

I am just so pleased with how the kale and nasturtiums are doing this year.   (And note the volunteer nasturtium in the kale planter.)   The kale has no business looking like that with how hot it’s been, but I’ll take it.

The tomatoes are producing nicely, but they’re not as cracktastic as the ones I’ve bought from the farmer’s market stall I usually get them from.    I’ll definitely have to try to be around for Memorial Day next year so I can buy from that stall again.

All and all, considering how hot it’s been, I’m pretty happy with how things are going this year in the garden.