I have this book from Goodwill – my mother had found it for me, and presented it along with the original. It’s a hoot. So very 60s. Like, I had no idea MSG had a brand name (Ac’cent). And good lord did America have bland palettes back then.
I also love that though this is clearly for the woman who’s some kind of anti-house wife (because she hates to cook), she’s still a house wife. I think she might even have a job out of the house, but the assumptions of life in this book are hilarious. I didn’t read it so much for the cooking as for the history survey.
What really cracks me up is that these books were reissued for a 50th anniversary edition. I mean, her writing style is a hoot. I enjoyed reading both books for that reason. But lord, I hope no one’s still making any of the recipes in either book.