Winter is Here

After a relatively uneventful season, winter finally decided to show up.     It snowed all day Friday the 10th, fitfully Saturday the 11th (it was considered a separate storm), then started later in the Sunday on Sunday the 12th and went all the way through the next day.     And then it decided to snow on Wednesday the 15th, as well.    I think there was even another set of flurries in there at some other point as well.  We got 39.5 inches (Portland Jetport official totals, at least) through the whole funfest.

The pictures below are from Monday, starting at 4:30, when I logged off my computer (worked from home).   We were out shoveling until about 7:30.   (We did do the neighbor’s across the street.   He’s 80.   He had no business being outside in this.)

It looks pretty bad from this side, at least on top.
And then you see the inside drift against the fence.
Here’s a badly lit picture of the BF from the clean up, for scale. (I will note – this is still there, even though it was in the 40s yesterday, and will probably be in the 50s today. We had nowhere to put it.)
E’s car looks pretty bad from the back.
The boys had gone out done clean up of what was out there already on Monday morning, including one round of plow crap at the end of the driveway. This was round two. Check for the car across the street to see what it looks like if you hadn’t cleaned up earlier. (That’s the neighbor we dug out.)
I swear there are stairs there.
The lovely back yard bank, post clean up.

To add insult to injury, the Wednesday storm started as rain, so the Thursday morning crap at the end of the driveway was like cement.   (We lucked out on this one – it was only about five inches here.    They got around 20 in the Sebago/Denmark/Bridgton area.)    And we desperately need snow removal on our street (it’s not even worth trying to exit on the Brighton side at the moment.)     It may melt before they’re able to do that, if the temps of the last couple days continue.   And at least at the moment, there are holes in the banks at the storm drains, so the street is not currently flooding.

So, winter.   Woo.