It was in the 50’s yesterday. So far, it’s hit 75 today. The daffodils shot up six inches and started to bloom overnight. Allergies not withstanding, I went out this morning and did some clean up. Speaking of allergies, I finally got officially tested this weekend, and I am indeed allergic to a number of trees, and some soil molds, so early Spring gardening probably isn’t the smartest thing for me to doing, but oh well. I held out as long as I could, which means I didn’t get as much done in the backyard as I would have liked.
I did get the pots out the garage (and the chives dug up and potted). I also cleaned up and mulched the side garden, fed the hollies out front, and put the clematis trellis up. I even managed to de-stick most of the backyard. Not bad for a couple hours’ work.