Magic Bites – Ilona Andrews


Kate Davies lives in an Atlanta where magic and technology switch back and forth in waves – you never know which one will be working at any given time (people have come up with great adaptations to make sure they can function in either kind of wave). Kate’s a mercenary, even though it’s clear she has some heavy magic powers, and could be more, if she chose.

When her foster father dies, she offers her services to find the killer, and finds herself in the middle of a potential war between the local Pack of Shapeshifters, and the People (who control vampires).

I liked this world’s versions of both were-creatures and vampires- both are different than your typical take, though the vampires are much different than usual. I also like Kate – she clearly has history, but it’s only explored when it’s relevant, so there’s plenty of time to find out more about her. That said, I’m really interested to know exactly where her magic comes from.

1 thought on “Magic Bites – Ilona Andrews”

  1. Pingback: 2017 Books Read – The North Wind and the Sea

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