This was an amazing walk. It’s a loop through the forest, which was just starting to get fall color, to a beach. Off that beach is Petit Manan Lighthouse, except it was so foggy, we can only see it intermittently. But you could hear the foghorn for the entire walk, which is one of my favorite sounds in the world.
The trail is the only way to the beach, so there were four other people there besides us. (It’s a flat trail, but it has a lot of roots, so I can’t say it’s truly easy.) After the beach, it keeps along the shore for a bit, where we got very up close to a young porcupine, and a bit later, a squirrel gorging himself on huckleberries.
It was just a great walk. Dad and C had never been down that far before, so it was new to all of us, and we all want to go back.