Garden Notes

I’m nearly three weeks behind on garden goings on, which means all my actual pictures of the garden are out of date, and I’ll need to try and get some with the good camera this week.

The kale and cornflowers are going like gangbusters, and I’ve been managing to get small amounts of chamomile flowers that I’ve been dehydrating.

I also harvested the peas and the last of the turnips.    The peas were pretty good, definitely not a super sweet pea (but those are generally hybrids), but definitely something I’d be happy to grow again.    I think I’d like to try them as snow peas as well – never got around to it this year, but I think they’d work well that way.

The khuri squash has been doing well.     I definitely need to remember to do a better support system for it next time, and have that ready to go when I first put it in the ground.   I tried some half-hearted tee-pees, but it’s pretty much a lost cause this year.   I’m only barely being able to keep it corralled into the space I want it in.

The tomatoes are setting fruit.    The peppers have bloomed, but are not doing nearly as well as they did last year.    And the eggplants plants look nice enough, but no flowers yet.   Not entirely sure what’s up with that – I’m sure they were blooming by this time last year.

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