Weekly Wildflowers – Cathedral of the Pines, Rindge, NH / Disturbed Habitat, Woodland / By Megan Sulphur Cinquefoil, Potentilla recta, Rosaceae Hop Clover, Trifolium campestre, Fabaceae Cow Vetch, Vicia cracca, Fabaceae Common Fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus, Asteraceae Northern St John’s Wort, Hypericum boreale, Hypericaceae Common Wood Sorrel, Oxalis stricta, Oxalidaceae Smooth Sumac, Rhus glabra, Anacardiaceae Common Yarrow, Achillea millefolium, Asteraceae Sheep Sorrel, Rumex acetosella, Polygonaceae Creeping Yellow Cress, Rorippa sylvestris, Brassicaceae Common Self-Heal, Prunella vulgaris, Lamiaceae Common Speedwell, Veronica officinalis, Plantaginaceae Creeping Yellow Loosestrife, Lysimachia nummularia, Myrsinaceae Ox-Eye Daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare, Asteraceae Orange Hawkweed, Hieracium aurantiacum, Asteraceae Little Evening Primrose, Oenothera perennis, Onagraceae Blackberry, Rubus sp., Rosaceae Red Raspberry, Rubus idaeus, Rosaceae Staghorn Sumac, Rhus hirta, Anacardiaceae