Garden Notes

I feel like a garden update is long overdue, but I usually do those when I have new pictures, and I have nothing new pictorially to report.

April was really cool, and really wet.    May so far has been a bit better, but still on the cool side.   So my seedlings are still hanging out inside, because I’m not comfortable yet putting them outside, even under cover.    I will probably not be hardening them off until the week of Memorial Day.     That’s ok – Memorial Day is often iffy for being truly warm enough, but I’ve never waited that long before to even put them outside.

We had our kick off for the community garden last Thursday, so that’s officially rolling.   Again, I don’t dare put anything out yet, so it’s pretty much just the garlic show over there for the moment.   I do need to get over there and put on the bagged compost I’ve been saving up.

I took Friday off to have a long weekend, and since that day was rainy, I did some garage clean up that morning.    I managed to get things neatened up in there, and I did refresh some of the larger pots for the side garden with reserved compost.   Once I get figure out how much I have leftover from the community garden plot, I’ll get the rest of the pots prepped for that.

So pretty much just a holding pattern for now, waiting for slightly warmer weather.