Knight of the Crescent Moon – L. E. Towne

b07ynp93fb.01._sx142_sy224_sclzzzzzzz_LibraryThing Early Reviewers book

Tam Paradiso is a cop in Philadelphia who also happens to be one of the few people that can see otherworldly creatures, so she has a double job – cop by day, protecting the world from evil by night.

As she’s tracking a particularly nasty creature one night, another creature hunter, who also has the ability to travel through time, follows a creature into Tam’s present. His name is Christopher Marlowe – yes, that Christopher Marlow. His time traveling ability isn’t anything that he can control, so they need to find this creature before he’s whisked back to his own timeline.

I like Tam – she’s had to become tough because if her abilities, but she’s still built up a circle of friends that she lets in as close as she dares. Marlowe is immediately something special in that circle, because he already knows all of her secrets, and she’s never had anyone she can share that much with before. Him having to acclimate to the present day is also fun. I enjoyed this book – it’s a solid adventure.

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