Garden Notes

Doesn’t look like much right now, but round one of seeds are planted!    This is Swiss chard, two kinds of basil, zinnias, two kinds of kale, calendula, leaf broccoli, regular broccoli, rudbeckia, dahlias (from seed!), two kinds of peppers, and two kinds of marigolds.

We are still going to be able to do the community garden this year.    They’re setting up hand washing stations, have had to cancel the work parties we usually do, and they’ve asked us to bring our own tools if we can.   We’ll also have to limit to no more than 10 people in the garden at once, and we have to maintain six feet between us.     I usually don’t have a problem with that at the times I normally go, but we’ll see how that works out with people not going into work as much.

I had planned a bit more flowers this year, but I’ll instead be trying to throw in a little more greens – anything I can do to cut down on the number of times I need to go to the grocery store isn’t a bad thing.   (I can’t believe I’m currently in the position to be having that thought.   This is just one weird year.)