Garden Notes

The iris are blooming, so it’s officially planting time!

The community garden bed went in yesterday, on a very muggy morning.     I got in two kinds of marigolds, three kinds of greens (broccoli greens, red Russian kale and dinosaur kale), broccoli, zinnias, runner beans, rudbeckia, three kinds of peppers (serrano, amazing and Jimmy Nardello), Swiss chard, green onions, dahlias, and calendula.    The only thing I’d planned that I’m missing is regular onions.    With the run on seeds and plants this spring, I was unable to find already started plants, which I’d been banking on.

The side garden went in this morning, which had so much less humidity, it seemed almost chilly in comparison to yesterday.    I planted khuri squash, cucumber, overflow Jimmy Nardello and Amazing peppers, two kinds of basil (Thai and lemon), a sungold tomato, and dahlias.