Garden Notes

This spring has not been kind to the community garden plot.     Right after I planted out most of the seedlings, the temperatures yoyo-ed a bit, and then it decided to stop raining.

I lost the marigolds and dahlias I put over there, as well as the broccoli and broccoli greens.    The two kales are limping along, and the peppers are not happy.    (Two of the six are gone.)

My mother gave me a couple of random greens seedlings she still had, and I managed to find a flat of dino kale and some poblano peppers while I was out and about this weekend, so hopefully I can salvage things, but it’s definitely not going to be quite what I thought it would be.

The side garden has fared better – it’s more sheltered.    I did have to replant the cucumbers (one pot of two just died off the bat), but they seem to be ok so far.    We’ll see how that keeps going.    I’m just going to have to keep up with the water at both sites and see what happens.