Garden Notes

The community garden bed is greening up.    We’ve had flea beetle over there pretty bad.    I’ve gone through way more kale than I should have, and the broccoli greens and broccoli are toast.   It hasn’t touched the Swiss chard (had the first harvest yesterday), but any of the runner beans I put directly in the ground are getting chomped before they leaf out.   The ones I planted at home have powered through, so I planted a few more in pots here a couple days ago – we’ll see if they come in time to fill out the trellis.

My peppers are also just not doing anything.    They’re getting eaten a little, but not enough to explain why they’ve just not grown at all.   The two I have in the side garden are coming along just fine.   I may need to take a break from peppers next year.


The side garden is doing pretty well – cautiously optimistic about the cucurbids, and the tomato is really starting to flower out.