Every Heart a Doorway – Seanan McGuire

Nancy has arrived at a very particular boarding school –it’s for children that have fallen through doors into other realms, and for whatever reason, have had to come back. Their families often don’t understand them, so Eleanor West, herself a child that went through a door, has created a safe space for them. Their parents think that Eleanor is trying to fix their children, but she’s actually helping them either learn to live in the “real” world, or return to the other world that they love, if they can.

It’s got a really interesting cast of characters in the others students at the school – you really need to read it to get the full flavor for that. There is a little action – a body turns up – but it’s really about the other children, and what they’re dealing with when they lose access to the place they were meant to be in – that seems to be the theme that’s sticking with most people in the reviews I’ve read, and I’ll agree with that. It’s a lovely story.

1 thought on “Every Heart a Doorway – Seanan McGuire”

  1. Pingback: 2020 Books Read – The North Wind and the Sea

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