The Hexologists – Josiah Bancroft

Super interesting book. It’s in a sort of Victorian maybe England, with various types of magic available, although some are thought to be gone. Iz and Warren are a married couple (with a fantastic relationship). She’s a hexologist, and has inherited a bunch of interesting artifacts from her father, who was a renowned scholar (though not much of a husband or father). The best of those is the portalmanteau – seems like a suitcase, but houses an entire warehouse of artifacts. Warren comes from a humbler background, and provides the muscle and the heart in their relationship.

The couple is indirectly booked by the royal family to look into a little item in the king’s past, and naturally, things are way more than they seem. There is a good mystery that is solved very nicely in this story, but there’s so much world building going on – this could easily be a very long series. I’m definitely interested to see what else happens.