So there’s a little room above because I had to give up on the larger pot of cauliflower. I could never keep them moist, and they never grew past seedling stage. The pot that did survive is below, and you can see that it’s shaded a bit by the coreopsis. That kept off the morning sun, and definitely helped. I also don’t think I added enough compost to the potting soil in the other pot. So I’m either going to throw that out, or get a couple bags to add before using it again. We’ll see.
I also rigged up the second tier of the tomato cages and put in the fence post supports today, so they’ll be ready once growth takes off there.
I do find myself doing odd things for gardening. The above are the plant trays for the indoor plants that are summering in the back yard. They’re doing well so far.
And below are the freshly washed and sterilized seed starting pots. I actually have way more than that available in the box (I got a bulk deal), but I wouldn’t have felt right getting rid of these. So they’re ready for next year.