The iris in my garden are just about to bloom, but I’ve seen them blooming elsewhere, so I’m planting everything out this weekend.
This was the fruits of my labors after a trip to the garden center after work on Friday, and the farmer’s market on Saturday. (Where I managed to give myself and my mother a fright when we nearly plowed into each other while perusing the same tomato plants – we had not coordinated our trips.)
I started out planting the community garden plot. I’d brought a few more things than I ended up adding, but this will have: three tomatoes (Brandywine, Cherokee Purple and Purple Passion), two eggplant (an Asian variety and a small, fairy variety), two peppers (Baron – a poblano type and Cheyenne – which should be a not too hot red type), borage, dill, kale, calendula, lemon gem marigolds, regular marigolds, and zucchini.
Once I got home, I decided to just start planting until I got too hungry to continue. I got out zinnia, thyme, tarragon, parsley, two cherry tomatoes (Sweet 100 and Sungold), marigolds, bloody dock, kale, half the Swiss chard, basil (Tuscan, regular and Thai), sage and oregano.
That just leaves half the Swiss chard, nasturtiums, yarrow, husk cherries and some more bloody dock. I can definitely handle that by the end of the long weekend.
Busy day!