And lo, the deluge of zucchini has begun. This was the crop last Wednesday. I got another one of about the same size on Friday morning – I’d made a point to stop because were were going away for the next two nights. I left it with nothing of any size on the vine on Friday.

Sunday evening, I arrived to this porker. I don’t understand how they do it. They have to be attached to a Tardis. It’s the only way to explain the growth potential. It rained yesterday and part of today, and I won’t be able to make it over there until tomorrow after work. Frankly, I’m a little afraid.

The kale over the community garden plot is also going crazy. I had to cut this before we left, and my mother said to give her as much as I possibly wanted to, so the whole bag went over.

The zinnias are really starting to ramp up, and the calendula is just going gangbusters. It’s ultimately not the kind of calendula I really wanted around the kale (based on some other gardens I’d seen, and what my mother had given me before), but I think could happily mix this in with the zinnias until the seed is gone.