Fort Baldwin State Park -Phippsburg, ME

Last weekend’s ramble was up to the Bath area, where we tracked down the last state park on those peninsulas we hadn’t been to yet.    Amusingly, it’s actually really close to Fort Popham (you can actually see that to the right in the second to last picture), but it’s down a one lane road (Fort Baldwin Road, actually), with no other labels than the street name, so easy to miss if you pass the street sign too quickly.

We’re pretty sure we saw a golden eagle.    It was flying low, and we could definitely tell it was a hawk of some sort, but we assumed it was an osprey.    In the Sunday paper, there was a reader submitted photo of a golden eagle at Fort Popham, and we’re pretty sure it was the same bird.

The fog bank was hilarious.    Up the road in Bath, it was perfectly sunny, but definitely not right on the sea.

Annoyingly, even though it has a page in the Maine State Park stamp book, there was no stamp station out.    We’re hoping it was just in for the winter (this is an unmanned park).    At least we know how to find the place now.