I’ve run into a bit of an issue with the Immie Tee (pretty sure I found some errata), so I’m at a bit of a stop there, which is a shame, because I’m about 75 percent done. But, I don’t actually need it until M’s birthday in November, so there’s at least that.
In the meantime, I’ve cast on a Hitchhiker Shawl by Martina Behm, using the Rohrspatz & Wollmeise Pure 100% Merino Superwash I picked up in London a few years back. The colorway is Paul, which is pretty variegated, and while looking at what other people had used it for, I saw several Hitchhikers that just looked great. So that sold it. The pattern is pretty straightforward, and should be a nice break from something more complicated I can do on the side.