Shakespeare Wrote for Money – Nick Hornby

25cfe94a85d8917593149535741434f414f4141This is a collection of columns Hornby wrote for a magazine in 2007 and 2008, about the books he read (or sometimes why he wasn’t reading). I was amused to read his discovery of the entire YA genre (I’ve known it was a great source of really good writing for years now), and happy to see someone back up my opinion that while The Road is a good book, no one ever really needs to read it.

It’s also given me an idea of how to do my reading summaries next year, especially since I’ve been doing so much rereading that I don’t do individual summaries for. So we’ll see if I implement that.

1 thought on “Shakespeare Wrote for Money – Nick Hornby”

  1. Pingback: 2019 Books Read – The North Wind and the Sea

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