This is the second book in the Thursday Next series. Thursday is a cop in the Special Operations portion of the police in an alternate England. In the last book, she ends up married after various adventures that include going into the novel Jane Eyre, and changing the ending.
Not too far into the book, her husband is disappeared (I forget the novel term) as if he’d never been, even though Thursday’s still pregnant with their child. It’s of course a ploy by the evil Goliath corporation to get back their bigwig who Thursday stranded in Poe’s “The Raven”.
These books are meant to be absurd, and I didn’t mind it in the first book of this series, or some of the other books of the author’s I’ve read, but I was apparently not in the mood for it this time around. I had a really hard time getting through this book. I can’t really put a finger on why – it’s true to form of his other work. Like I said, I may not have been in the mood.
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