This is one of the Edge books, and picks up the story of William after the events of On the Edge. William is a changeling (a wolf shape shifter in his case), and lost out on the girl in the last book. He’s stayed in the Edge, biding his time until his next job for the Weird’s Adrianglian government spies.
Enter Cerise Mar – her family was long ago exiled to the Edge by the rival kingdom of Louisiana, and it seems that they have something that the Louisianans want. It just so happens that William is sent in that same direction by his government. Cerise is pretty badass- her magical abilities with a sword are fiercesome, and she’s in charge of her family since her parents have been kidnapped.
I think the love story makes sense in this story, but it just seems to happen a little too fast. I get why it happens the way it does, but something about it bugged me a little bit. Still, it’s an interesting world, and a fun new arc in it.
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