Further Adventures in Domesticity

tomato salsa

So, what’s a girl to do with about four pound of tomatoes when her salad needs are being fulfilled by the cherry tomato plant in the garden?   Salsa!

This is the Fresh Vegetable Salsa from the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving.    It was meant to make five pints, but I got the above four, and almost another eight ounces.     I suspect it depends on how pulpy your tomatoes are, because getting rid of that pulp can definitely reduce the final volume you get from them.

Speaking of which, the worst part of the prep for this recipe was definitely peeling and chopping the tomatoes.     It didn’t help that I had a wide variety of sizes.    I probably would have been better off if I had had larger, and therefore fewer, tomatoes.

I was also able to use a CSA pepper and CSA garlic, and the eight jalapenos (yes, eight) came from the Farmer’s market – five for a buck.    Really can’t beat that, considering we have yet to see a hot pepper from my CSA, when we had been rolling in them by this time last year.   Ah, the vagaries of harvests!