CSA Haul

CSA 2011, Week 14

CSA Haul

This week’s haul was: sweet peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, cauliflower, garlic, and potatoes.

We also headed to the Farmer’s Market this morning to round out the ingredients for gazpacho, which which we’re bringing to a friend’s house tonight. Here’s the pile of goodies that went into that:

Gazpacho ingredients

It’s funny, last year, we made gazpacho once, and were very meh about it. This year, it’s all gazpacho, all the time. It does help that it’s been a better tomato year this year than last.

Highlights of last week’s cooking were two pizzas I made: one with CSA peppers, and onions and mushrooms, and the other, I channeled a favorite pizza my mom used to make when I was kid: no sauce, just olive oil infused with CSA garlic on the crust, topped with cheese, sausage and sauteed CSA broccoli and onions. It was divine.

I also made these Chicken Koftas with Cucumber and Yogurt, which were a great use of cucumbers, and tomatoes.