Yesterday’s haul was: corn, kale, turnips, garlic, jalapenos, green beans, Romano beans, summer squash, potatoes, and a lovely bouquet of flowers (the pick your own section at the farm must be doing really well). The corn was actually separate from my other picks, but was so nice and big and green, I had to grab two ears, which were eaten for dinner last night.
I picked my first peppers from the garden earlier this week. Sadly, the first two were just starting to split, but they’re intact, so should still taste ok.
Cooking highlights for this week and last included: Roasted Garlic Lemon Broccoli – which I have now used on two separate occasions with different acids, after BF, who extremely meh about broccoli, scarfed it down in record time; Summer Tuna Salad, which was a great way to use up a lot of different veggies, and not have to cook in the bargain; Chicken Soft Tacos with Tangy Guacamole, a wonderful use of CSA cilantro and jalapeno, and a really easy way to make flavorful guacamole; and Roasted New Potato Salad with Olives – to which I added green beans, and which was so much better the next day, the next time I make it, we think we’re going to put it in the fridge for the night before touching it.