I have a new bureau (or rather, I have two Ikea boxes that will remain in a boxed state until we can manage a break from the heat on a weekend, but I digress). Since my TBR piles reside on the my bureau, as part of the necessary clean up, I gathered all my to read books into one place.
I’d had three stacks, which had included some books I’d read, and needed to decide to give away, or store. Once I’d gotten those out, that leaves 55 books I’ve acquired from regular books stores, used book stores, Bookmooch, gifts, loans (only 1 at present), and does not include by Booksfree selections, which are both currently in flight.
So yeah. I need to go cold turkey on the book purchasing. I’m pretty much ignoring Bookmooch at the moment, much as it pains me.
I’ve also decided I should get rid of Booksfree. Many of the books in my queue are available at the library, and it seems silly to be paying for this service. I need to access my current challenge needs, but I won’t be signing up for any future challenges based on Booksfree books. If nothing else, I plan to be rid of my account by the end of the year.
But hey, at least I won’t be lacking for entertainment any time soon.