CSA 2010 Week 2

CSA Haul

Week two’s haul was more of the lettuce (though no mesclun), Swiss chard and salad turnips, as well as kale, basil, and a lovely peony.

We rounded out the week one bounty using a recipe for Penne with Chard and Sausage from Andrea Chesman’s Serving Up the Harvest. That came out pretty well, though probably could have used a bit more seasoning. I also had to resort to canned tomatoes, so may have to try it again when I have fresh tomatoes available.

This week, I bought some bunch radishes at the store so we can try those roasted with the salad turnips, which was suggested in the CSA cookbook. I also need to come up with a way to use a bumper load of basil, considering that the BF isn’t a huge fan of pesto, which would normally be my first thought.

I’m also dealing with the fact that we have a new fridge coming on Friday, so we’re operating on fridge austerity measures and trying not bring anything else into the house that requires refrigeration. I’ll be so glad when that’s installed, and I don’t have to plan my shopping list around the delivery anymore.