Knitting Notes

So we were supposed to go to VT this weekend, but one very sick BF kept us home instead. (Fortunately, if you can call it that, we had a fair inkling of where things were headed on Wednesday night, so I was able to run to the store to stock up on food for the next day. We had Thanksgiving pizza, and brownies for dessert.)

So, I had plenty of time where I hadn’t actually planned on getting anything done, and it was rainy. So I’ve caught up on as much knitting as I could. The above is the final dispensation of the Malabrigo Sock in the Stonechat colorway. Since it is red, I wanted at least one knitted ornament out of it, but I also figured it would be nice to have a fair number of hexipuffs out of it, since I usually tend towards blues in my sock yarn choices.