Ok, a day late posting, but I was seized by the need for veggies last night, and made a fabulous pasta primavera with a goat cheese sauce. It was lovely and springy, and exactly what I needed last night.
Ok, a day late posting, but I was seized by the need for veggies last night, and made a fabulous pasta primavera with a goat cheese sauce. It was lovely and springy, and exactly what I needed last night.
Read for the Mythopeoic Award and Once Upon a Time II Challenges. I need to read more Peter Beagle. I’ve read The Last Unicorn, but it was long enough ago that I only remember the bare bones outline of the story. I picked up this book of short stories out of the Mythopoeic award list
The Line Between – Peter S. Beagle Read More »
I love birthdays, and the inherent opportunity for good food they entail. Last night, we went to my mother’s house, where we were treated to wild salmon with a balsamic glaze, a very interesting spinach salad featuring beets (!), oranges, shallots, walnuts and chives (fresh from the garden), and quinoa. Dessert was a strawberry merlot
Roll me home please Read More »
I have my first post up on the Soup’s On challenge blog. Just a little intro, and some possible selections for the challenge, which runs from 4/1 to 3/31/09.
So just yesterday I was telling my mother that I’d been avoiding the garden centers because I really wanted some pansies, but didn’t quite know what to do with them, so wasn’t going to buy any. This morning, at her church, one of the parishioners brought in a ton of pansies she didn’t want any
So I finally figured out where Seaport Yarns is down in the Old Port, and decided to go check them out today. I came out with two skeins of sock yarn, one of Jitterbug, and one from a local hand dyer: I’m actually really excited about the local yarn. I’ll freely admit to loving my
Happy Birthday to Me! Read More »
Another day of 60 degree temps, and the flowers and trees are going crazy. Before too much longer, I’m expecting the tulips to show up. That and the the forsythia should be along soon. (My birthday is on Tuesday, and my mom likes to tell me how the forsythia were blooming the day I was
Yesterday’s question was: I’ve always wondered what other people do when they come across a word/phrase that they’ve never heard before. I mean, do they jot it down on paper so they can look it up later, or do they stop reading to look it up on the dictionary/google it or do they just continue
Booking Through Thursday Read More »
It’s amazing what hitting 60 degrees will do. The daffodils were barely budding yesterday. This picture was taken when I got home from work. By the time we were back from dinner (yep, totally choked on any amount of cooking creativity and went out to eat), almost all of the buds in this picture were
I’d been pretty good at keeping up with my reviews of the Jane Austen-fest on PBS, but a got a little behind with the last few, now that it’s spring, and I’ve had to DVR them rather than watching them all when they aired. Ms. Austen Regrets disappeared into the black hole of the DVR,
A Bit More Jane Austen Read More »