Weekly Wildflowers – Molly Stark Trail (Route 9), VT
Weekly Wildflowers – Molly Stark Trail (Route 9), VT Read More »
I ended up doing most of my planting over my lunch breaks in early June. These pictures are from June 12, when I was finally done. I’m still trying to find the time to get the greenhouse broken down and put away, but at least all the plants are in the ground.
These stories are about a man ‘who has many names but only a single nature’ and his travels through a mythical land just outside of regular time. He’s been tasked with getting rid of chaos. I think this is most easily compared to the Jack Vance’s Dying Earth stories. There’s a similar vibe to them,
The Compleat Traveller in Black – John Brunner Read More »
I can’t win with hardening off. Turns out this weekend would have been great for planting, but it was so cool, I hadn’t put things outside yet. (Plus we were going away, so it just seemed safer to wait for next weekend.) I did pivot soon enough to get the Swiss chard outside, and I
Aelis has been drafted straight out of training to be the warden of Lone Pine, a town out on the frontier. It’s a far cry from the city where she grew up, and earning the trust of the people of Lone Pine proves harder than she could have imagined. I liked this book, but it
The Warden – Daniel M. Ford Read More »
Tis the season for wandering around garden centers. I took Friday off to do my traditional wander around Mackworth/Gilsland (trout lilies were sadly gone by, but as you can see from previous entries, it was still a great walk). I went to Broadway Gardens that afternoon, which was only a touch below crazy weekend levels