In honor of the first weekend of summer, a collage of my most recent flower pictures. I’m hoping to add to the collection with visits to the peonies in Falmouth and the rose garden at Deering Oaks.
In honor of the first weekend of summer, a collage of my most recent flower pictures. I’m hoping to add to the collection with visits to the peonies in Falmouth and the rose garden at Deering Oaks.
This past weekend, we headed up to Ellsworth to visit my father and C. As you can see, it’s taken me three days to recover from the trip enough to post about it. Item #1 to love about Ellsworth: The greenhouse in Dad and C’s house. We actually got there just in time for this
Weekend – Ellsworth Read More »
I headed out fairly early this morning to make sure I could get to Mackworth Island while there was still room in the lot. It was a bit windy on the seaward side of the island, but it was still a beautiful morning out there. It was a good day to notice structure. The leaves
Mackworth Island – Falmouth, ME Read More »
A few more flowers from around the neighborhood. The flowering trees are now starting to come in, so I’m hoping to get some pictures of those this weekend.
Another day of 60 degree temps, and the flowers and trees are going crazy. Before too much longer, I’m expecting the tulips to show up. That and the the forsythia should be along soon. (My birthday is on Tuesday, and my mom likes to tell me how the forsythia were blooming the day I was
Probably about the best thing about being in Rhode Island over the weekend is that they’re so much further ahead in the season then we are up here in the Great Frozen North, and it was so nice to see all the green, and buds on the trees. Heck, it was even warm enough to
Spring! (Or Fun with my Macro setting) Read More »
I spent my Thanksgiving at my father’s house in Ellsworth. Thanksgiving itself was a foggy day, and we went for a walk in the Woodlawn Park nearby. It was incredibly atmospheric in the fog, though my camera doesn’t nearly do it justice. I’m quite full of turkey, and flush with family togetherness. This is the
Thanksgiving – Ellsworth, Maine Read More »
It snowed today. Now, this is notable because I have done next to no raking so far this year. As anyone that lives in leaf country can attest, it’s pretty much pointless to rake until all of the leaves are off the trees, unless you’re a masochist that enjoys constant rework. As I look out
The Weirdness of November Read More »
Just finished a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. On Friday night after meeting for a beer (for the guys at least, as I’m more of a wine girl myself), we and a couple friends went on a tour of Portland’s Eastern Cemetery done by Spirits Alive. It was a lot of fun. They had people posing as
What an amazing weekend. I’ve been walking around in short sleeves and sandals. Of course, half of this walking around was in search of weather proofing. So we’ve basically spent the weekend sealing the half of the windows we don’t have open. Such is fall in Maine! My main discovery of the weekend is that