Weekly Wildflowers- Field (Gilsland Farm, Maine Audubon, Falmouth, ME)
Weekly Wildflowers- Field (Gilsland Farm, Maine Audubon, Falmouth, ME) Read More »
Bluet Houstonia caerulea Other names: Little bluet, Azure bluet, Quaker Ladies, Innocence Family: Rubiaceae (Madder Family) Range: Native to Eastern Canada (Ontario to Newfoundland), and the eastern US (Maine to Wisconsin, south to FL and LA, and scattered in OK.) Native Native Habitat: It thrives in moist acidic soils in shady areas, growing especially well
Common Soapwort Saponaria officinalis Other names: Bouncing Bet, crow soap, wild sweet William, soapweed, Latherwort, Lady’s-wash Bowl, Old Maid’s-pink, Fuller’s Herb, London Pride Family: Caryophyllaceae (Carnation Family) Range: Across the US. Native: Introduced Native Habitat: Saponaria officinalis’s native range extends throughout Europe, and in Asia till western Siberia. It grows in cool places at low
Wild Radish Raphanus raphanistrum Other names: jointed charlock, sea radish, white charlock Family: Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) Range: Most of the US and Canada. Native: Introduced Native Habitat: Asia and possibly the Mediterranean. Preferred habitat is disturbed locations. It seems to love the beaches here. Bloom Time: Late spring to late summer
Rabbit Foot Clover Trifolium arvense Other names: haresfoot clover, stone clover, oldfield clover Family: Fabaceae Range: Much of the Eastern US and Canada, and some western states. Native: Introduced Native Habitat: Europe and Western Asia. It grows in dry sandy soils, both acidic and alkaline, typically found at the edge of fields, in wastelands,
Rabbit Foot Clover Read More »
Queen Anne’s Lace Daucus carotaOther names: wild carrot, bird’s nest, bishop’s lace Family: Apiaceae (Carrot Family) Range: Native to temperate regions of Europe and southwest Asia. Introduced to North America and Australia. It is considered invasive in some states. Native: Introduced Native Habitat: Thickets, grassland, and waste areas. Bloom Time: Summer Notes: This
Dame’s Rocket Hesperis matronalis Other names: dame’s rocket, damask violet, dame’s-violet, dames-wort, dame’s gilliflower, night-scented gilliflower, queen’s gilliflower, rogue’s gilliflower, summer lilac, sweet rocket, mother-of-the-evening and winter gilliflower. Family: Brassicaceae (Mustard Family) Range: Found through much of the US and Canada. (It was brought to North America in the 17th century.) Four states (Colorado, Connecticut,
Cow Vetch Vicia cracca Other names: tufted vetch, bird vetch, boreal vetch, vesque craque (French) Family: Fabaceae (Legume Family) Range: This species of vetch is native to Europe and Asia. It occurs on other continents as an introduced species, including North America, where it is a common weed. Native: Introduced Native Habitat: It often occurs
Birdsfoot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus Other names: Birdfoot Deervetch, Bacon and Eggs (England), bloomfell, cat’s clover, crowtoes, ground honeysuckle See the picture below for a picture of the fruit, for which the “birdfoot” is named. Family: Fabaceae Range: It has been introduced to most of the US and Canada. Native: IntroducedIt’s considered invasive in areas of
Large Leaf LupineLupinus polyphyllusOther names: Known as garden lupine in cultivation. Big-leaf or large-leaf lupine, Blue-pod lupine, Meadow lupine, Bog lupineFamily: Fabaceae (Legume Family)Range: Large-leaf lupine is native to western North America from southern Alaska and British Columbia east to Quebec, and western Wyoming, and south to Utah and California.Native: IntroducedNative Habitat: Stream banks, meadows