Garden Notes
The big tomatoes are finally starting to turn! This particular one is probably in the sunniest location in the plot, so here’s hoping the rest follow suit soon. The above was Saturday’s haul, looking a bit like a still life.
The big tomatoes are finally starting to turn! This particular one is probably in the sunniest location in the plot, so here’s hoping the rest follow suit soon. The above was Saturday’s haul, looking a bit like a still life.
I’ve decided to call zucchini Tardisfruit – there’s no other explanation for how they get so big so quickly. The monstrosity above was waiting for me after I was gone for just three day. The cherry tomatoes are starting to bear – there are a ton of buds, so the best days are
Back when I first planted the community garden tomatoes, I swore I was going to keep on top of the suckers. Reader, I did not. On a whim, on Monday (when I was supposed to be doing a quick check before going away for a few days), I started going after suckers.
The community garden plot is definitely looking lush. In addition to the crazy zucchini, a bunch of other produce is coming along. Here’s one of the fairy eggplants coming along. It has huge flowers, bigger than the Asian variety that I’m also growing, which will have bigger fruit. I can totally
And lo, the deluge of zucchini has begun. This was the crop last Wednesday. I got another one of about the same size on Friday morning – I’d made a point to stop because were were going away for the next two nights. I left it with nothing of any
The Vegetable Attached to a Tardis, and other Harvest Notes Read More »
A few pictures from the community garden over the week – I’ve got at least one small tomato, and the eggplant are blooming. I did take home the larger zucchini in that picture – I knew I wasn’t going to be by for a few more days, and those have a habit of blowing
The flowers are really starting to come along – the calendula and borage in the community plot look great, and in the side garden, the zinnias are really starting to produce. The lilies are also having a good year. I had one come up randomly next to the Russian sage – I like how
The side garden is doing well – the cherry tomatoes are definitely starting to take off, and the ground cherries are actually setting fruit. The ruffled Tuscan basil has been a bit of a bust – the other basils are just fine with the amount of water they’re getting, but I can’t keep that Tuscan
The iris in my garden are just about to bloom, but I’ve seen them blooming elsewhere, so I’m planting everything out this weekend. This was the fruits of my labors after a trip to the garden center after work on Friday, and the farmer’s market on Saturday. (Where I managed to give myself and
The day before I went away, I received an email that the waiting list on the brand new community garden a few blocks away had opened up, and I had a spot waiting for me for this year if I still wanted it. So it doesn’t look like much at the moment, but I’ve been
Community Garden Notes Read More »