My Mother’s Garden
My Mother’s Garden Read More »
I’m back from a rather whirl wind trip Downeast for the weekend. The main reason for the trip was so that my father and I could attend a workshop at the Woodlawn Museum where we learned to make our own painted canvas floorclothes. Since I have pretty much no native artist ability, I chose to
My neighbor across the street bought the house two years ago, and as luck would have it, happened into a fully mature perennial garden. It’s the kind of situation I dream of finding when I finally buy a house. Christina will admit to not being much of a gardener, but the garden has been in
Christina’s Garden Read More »
The BF went to Washington DC to visit his brother over the last weekend, and brought my camera. The rental fee was pictures of Spring flowers. And so, I can give you, Spring in DC:
Washington DC Spring Read More »
The crocus in my garden have achieved full flower. It’s the little things that make me happy this time of year…
I checked my garden when I got home yesterday to see the status of my bulbs, but all I really had was a bit of frondy crocus foliage. Fast forward to this afternoon, and I have budding crocus! And below, the beginnings of daffodils. Happy, happy Spring!
What a difference a day makes Read More »